ReactiveConf 2019: Workshops update #1

Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2019


Gain new knowledge from one of the many workshops we’ll have on offer during Festival Day. In 2018, we helped organize 17 workshops. Workshops are open to all ReactiveConf attendees for a small fee (~€20) to cover expenses related to logistics and snacks.

Pick and choose what inspires you.

This is the first hint of what you can looking forward this year!
15+ workshops facilitated by our speakers and partners

David Khourshid

Model-Based Testing for Applications

In this workshop, you will learn how to go from automated to automatically generated tests for applications. From integration to end-to-end tests, discover how model-based testing can save a lot of time and effort in both creating and maintaining tests.

Johannes Ewald

Webpack in Depth

Have you ever wondered how webpack works under the hood? Do you want to learn what webpack’s module graph actual is? Do you want to understand the difference between a loader and a plugin? If yes: this workshop is for you! In a lot of interactive exercises, we are going to take a peek into webpack’s engine room. In the end, you will have a better understanding of how the build process actually works.

Marion Schleifer

Introduction to Realtime GraphQL for React Developers

Developers interested in GraphQL can come to this workshop and learn how to build full-fledged and full stack React apps with GraphQL using an open-source stack. Unlike your typical GraphQL workshop, this one will also take you through taking care of the backend to fully understand how a Fullstack GraphQL project works, thanks to the open source Hasura GraphQL Engine that will be used though, you won’t be spending too much time either writing server code and will be able to focus on your React app.

Marion will be covering the following topics:

  • GraphQL basics
  • Introduction to building a GraphQL backend with Hasura
  • Using GraphiQL to explore and test your GraphQL API
  • Setting up a GraphQL client with Apollo
  • Fetching and rendering data in your react app with GraphQL queries
  • Inserting data with GraphQL mutations
  • Updating, deleting data with GraphQL mutations
  • Realtime GraphQL — Building a realtime UI with live-queries over GraphQL subscriptions

Richard Feldman

Introduction to Elm

In this one-day workshop, Frontend Masters instructor and Elm in Action author Richard Feldman will take you from zero Elm knowledge to being able to use it on your next project.

Over the course of the day you will:

  • Gain practical Elm experience building an application that communicates with GitHub’s API
  • Develop an understanding of the Elm Architecture and how it organizes Web applications
  • Interoperate between Elm and JavaScript so you can access the best of both ecosystems
  • Learn functional programming techniques that are useful both in Elm and in other languages
  • Along the way, Richard will answer your questions and personally assist you in your journey into Elm. His goal will be for you to leave the workshop feeling confident in your ability to use Elm on your next project.

Come learn how to use the language everyone is talking about!

Sarup Banskota & Javi Velasco

Serverless Slack Apps

Participants will learn:

  • Why make a Slack app?
  • Benefits of doing it Serverless
  • You’ll create an actual, useful Slack app
  • You’ll learn to deploy it easily
  • You’ll set it up in a way that teammates can collaborate on it
  • Learn ways to extend it

…more workshops coming soon!

And don’t forget — all you need is ReactiveConf 2019 ticket!

Miki & ReactiveConf team

PS: #Miki❤you



Functional programming conference based in Central Europe with top-notch speakers and 1300+ attendees.